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Editorial in same issue

Wick Parish Church Centenary.

For a hundred years the Parish Church, with its broad-based tower and modest steeple, has stood as a familiar landmark in the town. As an architectural feature it has, indeed, given the town a characteristic all its own; and it is not too much to say that it is known and loved by natives of Wick and Caithness people in general, in all parts of the world. The changes that have taken place since the church was first opened for worship have been truly marvellous, and these were fittingly referred to in course of the centenary celebrations. In many respects more progress has been made in the century since 1830 than in all the previous centuries from the early time when Ninian planted the Christian church in Caithness "near the head of Wick Bay." Not many years after the erection of the present church it became a sort of storm-centre in the great controversies of Disruption times. But amid all the clash and clang of ecclesiastical strife it has stood serene and dignified, "a pillar steadfast in the storm," and has had a notable-indeed a brilliant-succession of ministers. Every one of them exercised a vigorous influence in our midst. Men of individuality, they commanded respect not only from their own people but from the inhabitants in general. Therefore in these days of "the larger heart, the kindlier hand," when old but very earnest differences are melting away in the desire for greater Christian union and fellowship, there is all-round congratulation to the Old Church on the completion of its century. The felicitations and good wishes so finely expressed at the very happy social gathering on Monday evening augur pleasantly for even greater success in the days to come. In all respects the church is now splendidly equipped, and the Rev. Mr Callen, the present incumbent, who was inducted to the to the charge only a few months ago, bids fair most worthily to maintain the prestige which has never failed during the past hundred years. He is young, vigorous and enthusiastic; and he and those associated with him can go forward with their work in the confidence that they have the hearty goodwill of the community as a whole. 

Golden Thoughts from Good Sermons.

The following gems of thought from various sermons may suitably occupy this spare page: -

Friendship and worship may prove mightier than navies.

Study the ways of peace and pray that men may walk in them.

Dare to be different when difference counts for righteousness.

A word of encouragement may mean a password to achievement.

Belief in a living Christ calls into life all our dormant capabilities.

Beauty of character originates within and modesty shows on the outside.

Part company with those who have nothing to do except to tear the Bible apart.

Make progress in prayer by going from the "give-me" stage to the "make-me" stage.

Begin to think God's thoughts after Him if you wish to have peace of mind hereafter.

Of one thing we are sure: we cannot be sure about anything unless God is our strength.

Know when to put the brakes on the tongue and avoid smashing into another's reputation.

Issues are always coming up for decisions; take Christ into counsel and insure your destiny.

We can best serve our generation when we make contacts with the Source of spiritual power and becoming generators.

If we do not employ Sunday as a day for gaining spiritual strength, we shall have to adopt a revised spelling-weak days.

There is more between the "In the beginning" of Genesis and the "Amen" of Revelation than this world dreams of, because men do not take the time to read.