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History of Caithness
J. T. Calder
Appendix No 4

 Intro  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12   13   14   15  App1  App 2 Roads
No. 4 - Page 42
The oldest extant valuation of the county is dated in 1707.  It was subsequently amended and revised at intervals, and in 1760 and 1798 the valuation stood as follows:-
Landward part of the county                                        £34,972    8    6
Burgh of Wick                                                                  166   13    4
Town of Thurso                                                               666   13    4
               Total, Scots money                                      £35,805   15    2

At Whitsunday, 1860, the valuation on real rent stood thus:-
Landward part of the county                                        £86,753   18    0
Town of Thurso                                                             4,429     0    0
Parliamentary Burgh of Wick     
        Royal Burgh of Wick        £3694    18    0
        Pulteneytown                 10,355     4    0
        Louisburgh, etc.,              2,328    10   0
                                                                                   16,378    12   0
                 Sterling                                                    £107,561    10   0
The amount of real rent of the county in 1814 upon which property tax was levied was £29484 14s. 10d.

Intro  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14   15  App1
App 2 Roads