Christmas 2001 Photo Gallery
Christmas News
26 December 2001
Well it's all past now and
we at hope you have all enjoyed the holiday and seen
all the family and been in touch with everyone you wanted to see
or talk to. But remember its never too late to phone or send
an email. And now on to New Year. This is Scotland
after all and half the party is yet to come.
Looking for things To Do At
Try These Links
Stressbusters - all sorts of games and jokes
Silly Girl
Christmas Crossword
Santa Talks First On
15 December 2001
Santa Interview (Windows Media
328k) (28kbs)
Reindeer Keeper
Interview (Windows Media 188k)
Santa & His Reindeer Came To
15 December2001
of families out today with children to see Santa and a set of
Reindeer from the Aviemore herd. These reindeer are the only
ones in Scotland and only a few of the quite large herd kept at
the reindeer centre.
Police Christmas Drink
Driving Campaign
10 December
Northern Constabulary launch
there latest campaign determined to crack down on young male
drivers who make up a high percentage of alcohol related driving
offences - often leading to serious accidents and deaths.
The message is Leave the Car if heading out to drink.
Ormlie Estate's First Christmas
Tree 9 December
Ormlie is to have its first community Christmas tree this year.
The tree lights will be switched on on Saturday 15 November
2001 at 5.30 pm at the new Ormlie Centre, beside Marr
Terrace. (Surestart building). Mr Leslie MacLean, LRM Services,
kindly donated the tree and even sent his men up to Ormlie to
erect it. The Highland Council Street Lighting team also gave
their assistance by providing an electrical socket outside the new
Ormlie Centre.
Music will be provided by Iain Sinclair and friends and Mr Hugh
McPhee, Lord Thurso Court has kindly offered to play the pipes .
The young children from the Ormlie Playgroup will also be involved
in the entertainment by providing some seasonal songs!
We hope lots of people will turn up to this event as its the first
of its kind on the estate.
Santa's Grotto - Thurso 8
Santa's Grotto In Thurso
8 December
Saturday 8 December
The grotto from the Beyond 2000 group gets going and will be on
until 23 December.
Saturdays and Sundays 2.00pm - 8.00pm
Mon - Fri 6.00 - 8.00pm
Christmas Parties 8 December
A Caithness dialect Poem by Jenny Stewart
Castletown Lights Up
5 December
Castletown expected to have 20 lights around the town for
Christmas but ended up with 60 due to the fantastic response from
donors.. Retired Teacher and some pupil from primary four
helped to switch on the lights. So why not take a drive to
Castletown one evening to see them and stop off for Christmas meal
at the hotel or Highlander restaurant.
Dressed Windows Winners 2 December
Thurso Fayre
2 December
Ai Christmas Stocking
2 December
Another in Caithness dialect from W T Lyall
who was in action again on drums at the Wick Pipe Band Coffee
morning on Saturday.
Jazzing Up Christmas
2 December
Jazz kept things lively at the Christmas Lights Switch On In
Gala Queen & Attendant Switch On Lights
2 December
Roger Saxon did the announcements (A microphone would be a good
idea in future) whilst the Gala Queen got ready to throw the
switch to put the lights on throughout the town and the Christmas
Children In Ormlie Get Special Treat
2 December
Due to a very generous
donation the children in Ormlie, Thurso will have a special
Christmas treat to Wick to see Santa and his 6 reindeer on 15
December 2001. On their return to Ormlie there is to be
another special treat - ie the first Community Christmas tree on
the estate.
Ormlie Gets First Christmas
Tree 2 December
A big thank you must go to Leslie MacLean, LMR who will be
donating the 10' tree, whilst the Highland Council Street Lighting
team, (Robbie Gunn and the boys) have been a tremendous help by
supplying an outside socket to the new Community building on the
estate. A big thank you to everybody for supporting the Ormlie
Near The Tree,
Thurso 2 December
small crowd gathered to see Santa and the Gala Queen switch on the
lights at the tree and round the town were lucky that the rain had
gone away and the evening turned out to be quite pleasant as the
sky cleared.
Harry Potter theme At
Buttresses 2 December
saw the crowds out in Thurso and the Harry Potter crew in
Buttresses certainly were going all out by the afternooon.
Maybe they had cast a few spells of their own as their was a
constant flow of shoppers getting out early for Christmas
Tree Lit Up In Thurso
1 December
A very
wet day but it stopped raining for long enough to get things under
Thurso Christmas Fayre 1
Pipe Band Coffee Morning
Festive Style 1 December
Hit Santa For
What Was Happening At Christmas

Get Your event Listed early for December
Free Free Free Free Free
For Techies With Web Sites
The script for the moving Santas which can be changed to any
picture you like can be found on
Maxx Blade Web site
under Stars. Check out the Free Falling Snow script for your
web site. We have already found it on a Russian web site -
compliments of Maxx Blade.
16 November 2001
Castletown Kids Send Presents To Eastern Europe

15 November 2001
Santa And Real Reindeer Coming to Wick
Kids in Caithness'
event on Saturday 15 December 2001 when Santa and his six
reindeer will trot through the main street of Wick before
finishing at the Market Square.
Santa and his six reindeer will begin their journey to the Market
Square at the Co-op, down the Station Road, onto Bridge Street
before entering the Market Square at approximately 3.00 pm.
we will pen them in the Market Square where the children can sit
in Santa's sleigh and get their photo taken.
As a special treat we have organised a raffle for two lucky
children (5 - 10 years) to ride through the street in the sleigh
with Santa. Raffle application forms are available either at
Reids the Chemist, The Wool Shop or at The Wick Project Office.
The raffle will be drawn just before the switch on of the
Christmas lights at 4.00 pm on 24 November 2001.
See The Reindeer
More Reindeer Links
Get your events for the Christmas Season noticed by sending
details for the Christmas Pages. Just email
details of your play, party, musical event, Religious events
services and any other event planned for the festive season.
Send it all to
[email protected] for inclusion.
Why not send in your Party photos for the web site. Let us
know about your party and we might turn up to take pictures for
AI Festive Season - In Caithness Dialect
30 November
W T Lyall this time in Caithness dialect -
Ai festive season's here again
Thank goodness chuist wance a year,
A time for ye till enjoy yursel'
Hard drink, rich food, good cheer..........The
whole poem
Santa Starts 1 December
NORAD tracks Santa
every Christmas eve, following his trek around the world for children
Three Million people hit this web site on Christmas Eve last year to
find out about Santa's progress around the globe.
Go and have a look. You will need some bits and pieces like Real
Player to get the best from it but its free and can be downloaded via the
Wicks Lights Switch On & Fun Day 24
