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History Of Wick Library

Wick Library
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Items are issued 21 days for books and talking books (audio book)  14 Days for DVD's and CD's

If you would like to keep them longer, either call in or telephone.  We may be able to let you have them for a further 21 days if no one  else has requested them.

What's In It For You?

We offer a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction to suit all tastes.  We also provide access, via our request service, to the extensive resources of Highland Libraries network and beyond, by means of the Inter-library loan service.  there is a small charge for requesting certain types of material.

In addition to Internet access we hold representative and current collection of Information materials, Reference Books and Business directories.  Local and national newspapers are available daily and you will find a selection of periodicals.

We are pleased to deal with telephone and email enquiries and we can receive information from other sources.  Fax and photocopying facilities are available for public use.

Audio Visual Service
The audio-visual; service comprises:
Story Tapes
Audio Books
Compact Discs
Audio Cassettes

Some people may be exempt from charges -please ask for details.

Caithness Room
The reintroduced Caithness Room contains one of the most comprehensive collections in Scotland.  It seeks to convey the wealth of local history both retrospectively, through the eyes of present day writers and by provision where possible of original or reprinted works.  You will find much of this material available for loan.  Additionally we provide access to microfilm and microfiche readers and various specialist family and local history materials.  for example the John O'Groat Journal 1836 to the present and Northern Ensign 1850 - 1926.  The Oold parish records are kept upstairs in the Archives, and are available downstairs on Saturdays.  Please ask for details.

John Mowat Collection
As a Caithness exile in Glasgow, John Mowat's love of his native county led him to collect books and pamphlets written by Caithnessians about Caithness and other subjects, and books about Caithness by others of not such fortunate birth!  On his death, he bequeathed this unique collection to Wick Library where it can be consulted on request.  Please ask staff for assistance if required.

St Fergus Gallery upstairs has exhibitions.

An earlier  exhibition - The Sea - Hillhead School
St Fergus Gallery Opening Times
Monday,Tuesday & Thursday 1.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 10.00 am - 12.30 pm
Friday 1.00 pm - 8.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am - 1.00 pm

Check What's On for latest exhibitions

Autism Book Launch At Wick Library
A successful launch of the Autism book collection took place at Wick Library on Saturday 20th November 2004.  A good number of families and friends attended showing a keen interest in the collection.  The books were bought by the Caithness Autism Parent's Support Group.  They had raised the money with a sponsored walk, coffee mornings, raffles and local donations.  The collection has been divided between Thurso and Wick Libraries to enable easy access to all in Caithness. Books, videos and board games can be borrowed from the libraries using a library card.

Sinclair Terrace, Wick, KW1 5AB
Tel 01955 602864

Map showing location

Email [email protected]

Opening Times
Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 1pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm

24 hour answering service for renewals

Library Membership is Free

Simply fill in a joining form and provide proof of your name and address.

Click Here For Library Picture Gallery

History Of Wick Library 2 October 03

Children's Service
You will find :
Picture Books
Easy Reading books
Story Books
Teenage Books
Information and Reference Service
Books to help with homework
Also Videos and audio tapes.

Education & Training Opportunities
Widen your horizons with OPEN LEARNING

A selection of Open Learning packs to help you acquire new skills and broaden existing ones are available from this library on free loan.  topics include computer software, hotel and catering, management skills, interview techniques, caring, adult basic education.  Ask staff for further details.

What else happens in the library?
We now provide a loan service for schools, nurseries and organised groups.  Please contact us for further details.  We are also delighted to welcome group and class visits when organised in advance.  To ensure that your group can borrow items during their visit, borrower membership forms need to be completed in advance - please phone to arrange this or if you have any questions.

Ask about storytime, holiday activities, visits and talks.

Mediated Internet access is available


Sir John Usher

27 November 05
Library Joined In Wick Christmas Fun Day
Staff at Wick library joined in Fun Day yesterday and dressed up as various characters.  They took the opportunity to present the prizes for the recent competition "Underwater Wonders" run for younger children during Children's Book Week.  Denis the Menace (Shelagh Swanson) ran games for any children at the library giving out Beanos and Dandys to participants.