If you have any Caithness related photos of fishing
boats etc and would like to share them email them to [email protected]
Live Ships Map
ships live all over the world. Check ship moving around your
coast or anywhere.
2020 Maritime Calendar Boats

Wick Harbour
At The End of 2019
Harbour At The End of 2019 27 October 2019 Ferry Alfred First Crossing Pentland Firth
18 October 2019
Kirkwall Harbour
Wick Harbour Day 2019 19 July 2019
Royal Navy
Boats At Wick
The Wick
Society - Boats
Cruise Ships At Scrabster
2 June 05
RV Triton At Scrabster
Yesterday -
The World's Largest Trimaran
The Triton was in Scrabster yesterday for a
few hours. The Triton Trimaran Research Ship is a
technology demonstrator ship for the Royal Navy's Future Surface
Combatant (FSC) frigate requirement, due to enter service from 2013 and
replace the Type 23 frigates. Triton is the world's largest motor
powered trimaran (triple-hulled) vessel, with a length of 90m and beam
of 22m. Triton is owned by QinetiQ (formerly DERA, the Defence
Evaluation and Research Agency). More Information at Naval Technology
More photos at
Scrabster Weather Station
Valiant At Scrabster
Blikur Leaving Scrabster 13 February 2005

19 August 04
Highland Council's Caithness Area is encouraging more cruise ship
passengers docking at Scrabster harbour to visit Thurso for shopping
and entertainment in the town. This Caithness welcome to cruise ship
passengers follows on from the success of an earlier visit this summer
(3rd June) by the Black Prince cruise ship chartered by the National
Trust for Scotland which called at Scrabster on the NTS annual cruise
around Scotland. Two more cruise ships are expected to dock
at Scrabster: the "Funchual" with Morrison Tours on Thursday 26th
August and the "Minerva" with Denholm Shipping on Monday 6th
September. Many of the ships passengers will be going on
pre-arranged day or half day excursions to see visitor attractions and
sites of interest in Caithness, however the remainder who do not wish
to go on these trips are being enticed to visit Thurso on a shuttle bus
which has been organised by The Highland Council.
A Walk Round Wick Harbour On
Sunday 5 May 03
Whitefish boats may be a thing of the past at Wick these days but there
is still activity in the form of cargo boats and yesterday a tug ready
to assist with the float out of the latest pipeline from
Wester. Shellfish boats still come and go with catches being
uplifted often at weekends before heading to southern markets and on to
European destinations.
20 April 03
Hamnavoe Trip - Scrabster to
Old Man Of Hoy
One of a series of trips laid
on for local people in Caithness and Orkney to introduce the Hamnavoe
Ferry before it commences service on the Scrabster to Stromness
route. the brand new ferry is starting ahead of the new pier
being completed and everyone onboard was delighted with the trip on a
beautiful spring day out in the Pentland Firth.
A Few Boats At Scrabster In
September 2002
Creels At Lybster
A few creels and
How A Boat Gets To The Top Of
The Wick Slipway For Repairs and Painting
Boats & Equipment for
Pipeline Float Out 23
July 2002
Pentland Yacht Club 2002
Summer Regatta Pictures
Other Boats

Boats 2002 Onwards

Boats 2001

Boats Around Caithness In
October 2003
Coastguard News
Fishing Boats 2002
Fishing Boats 2001
Other Boats 2002
Caithness Lighthouses
Fish Market Scrabster
Isabella Fortuna
Sailing Again
A 44
foot long Fifie built in Arbroath in 1890, restored in Wick lifeboat
shed in 1998.
Thurso Lifeboat
Thurso Lifeboat 29 June 2002
Wick Lifeboat
Lifeboat Exercise 21 July 2002
- Commercial
Fishing For Sport
Scottish Ships and Boats
BBC Shipping Forecast
Tide Predictions For Wick
Shetland Seafood News
Pentland Firth Pages On
Wrecks Of
The Pentland Firth 1934 - 1981
Wrecks Of
The Pentland Firth 1918 - 1933
Wrecks Of
The Pentland Firth 1830 - 1890
Incidents Of Wick & Ackergill Lifeboats
Scottish Port Registration Letters - Fishing
Wick Harbour Slipway 16
September 2002
boat Goes From Water To Top of The Slip and how it gets there.
Directions For The North Coast
Wick & Scrabster Port
The Sea
Battle Off Roudabjorg Between Earl Rognavald And Earl Thorfinn - The
Orkneyinga Saga
Steamship Voyages In The North
Ham Harbour
Scrabster Harbour Development
The biggest investment for many years in harbour construction work is
taking place at Scrabster Harbour where the new road out as far as
Holborn Head has been completed and the new pier work has begun with a
completion date in August 2002.


North Coast Marine Adventures Gallery

Sea Project -
Hillhead School
A series of pictures from fishing
families in Wick

Trawler Photos
Boat Safe For Kids
UK Fishng Vessel List as at 30
June 2005
Also Caithness Harbours
- Commercial
Fishing For Sport
Scottish Ships and Boats