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Harbours List       

             A-Z of Caithness Places

Skirza Harbour and Area
Pictures taken 3 December 2000
Skirza To Duncansby Walk -April 2002

A small harbour used only by small creel boats.  The house at harbour called Skirza House was owned by James Mowat the last Pentland Firth Pilot.   His ancestors still live in the area some of whom reside at the house called "The Shop" which was  run by the Pilots daughter, Margaret Laird Mowat for 40 years until she was 80 years old.  She died in 1976 at the age of 93.
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Skirza House

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Garden in winter

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The Shop now a dwelling only

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One of a reducing number of Caithness honey producers. 

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No bees out on a cold day

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Hives sheltered behind old wall

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Skirza Broch
Broch (ND 394684) 2 � miles S of Duncansby
A9 and side road.
With 14 feet thick wall and enclosed area of 22 feet in diameter. Other structures are both in and out of the original structure.

Harbours List